Thursday, October 30, 2008

All I want for Christmas is my TWO FRONT TEETH!

Recently Xander has lost his two front teeth... which brings many challanges as he is learning to read & spell.
Xander is trying to say his "th" sounds but it never quite works.
On another relevant topic: The tooth fairy at our house never quite has it together. I am not sure that he/she has ever been ontime and Xander usually has to wait a day or two before the prize is given. But better late than never, as the saying goes.


Bri or Aaron said...

Wow Xander! Let me know what your new blog address is so that we can see it!

Kelly said...

That is such an adorable picture of him. You need to get it framed...seriously.

Raef lost a tooth this week too and he said he would donate it to science. I will try to remember to bring it for our science class. Do you still have Xander's?