Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Hunting We Will Go!

It has been a long time Smith Family tradition to go hunting every August...
There have actually been very few deer caught (I'm told you don't catch deer but you shoot them), but the tradition continues nontheless.
I have many childhood memories playing in the woods & hunting with my dad.
So this year Stan (although not a hunter) decided to attend & take Xander along for the annual deer hunt. Grandpa Travis & Uncle Aaron led the hunt. Luckily, Xander wasn't lost in the woods (we were actually more worried about Stan), and everyone made it home safely.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

It sounded like I was reading Kelly's blog there for a minute... when you said that there have been very few deer caught. Nice to see the subsequent correction!! It is also an Erickson family tradition to go deer HUNTING!! ;0)