As I entered the boys room the day after halloween I was distraught with the "mess". Upon further inquiry and observation, I discovered that Niko, in all his curiosity, had catagorized his Halloween candy.... Hmmm, I thought, how can I make the best of this and help "learning time" be a fantastic experience, (knowing it was a long shot to get the candy out of hand & mind soooo soon)?
So here is the final result...... catagorizing, counting, and graphing at its best. Our learning time was mathmatics and statistics fun this day. I truly feel that math has to be relevant for children to really understand it, and learn it! So today homeschooling was a success.
Niko catagorized the candy by type, name, shape, size... then graphed it mostly by name, including some miscellaneous candy clumped together at the end. Niko chose to make a bar chart.
During trick or treating, Niko was dtermined to ge the most candy... so he could sell it to me and make more money. He is a real entreprenuer.
Xander chose to make a line chart.
Anna made two charts in one graph.