In our family, as in most I'm sure, our kids always have some nickname. A demonstration of love, in fact, the more nicknames you have the more loved you may be. So what about Ella?
Anna has: Annabella, BelaRus, Rus, SwissMiss
Niklas has: Niko, Piko, Pickle, PicodeGayo, NikoSuave
Alexander has: Xander, Xandoff, XanderMander, Commander Xander, Xanadoo
Stan has always been Stan the Man, StanO, Babe
And Me? Aim, Amaherst, Amers, Mom, Stupid (the last are lovingly from the kids)
So far, Ella is just Ella; Her actual name is Elizabeth but we have always affectionately called her Ella... I am sure we will.
(Stan just commented, "Her name can be EllaRus, because she is not a "B" like Anna") Hmmm... I think not!